Thursday, November 18, 2010

30 SEO Tips for 30 Days

Tip [1] Add Titles related to targeted keywords

Add Titles related to targeted keywords, place only important keywords, do not exceed more than 64 - 80 characters.

Title tag in Search engine listings:

Broadly speaking:
Each page should have a unique title specified in <TITLE> tag.
Each page title should contain a set of relevant keywords including the primary keyword phrase used in that page. However, title should make sense and not be stuffed with keywords for the sake of it.
Some of the tools to find keywords are Google keyword toolWordtracker and Keyword Discovery.

Tip [2] Meta description should be unique for each pages with targeted keywords

Meta description should be unique for each pages with targeted keywords. Do not stuff keywords into Meta description.
Broadly speaking:
META description tag should be a well-written summary of the page written for the website visitors rather than the search engine. It should be no longer than 250 characters.
Description tag is sometimes used by search engines on their SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). Well-written description tag will encourage potential visitor to click through to your website. Well-written META tags can enhance ranking on search engines that use META tags to determine relevancy of the page. 

Tip [3] Study your competitor’s plan of action

Research and study your competitor’s plan of action, their keywords and the success rate for those business keywords and work accordingly

Tip [4] Headings (<H1> to <H6>) and paragraphs (<P>)

Each web page should be structured using structural mark-up such as headings (<H1> to <H6>) and paragraphs (<P>). Headings should be meaningful and include keywords.

Tip [5] Bread crumbs

Implement Bread crumbs for increasing web site navigation structure
Example: Home >> Internet >> SEO >> 30 SEO Tips for 30 Days

Tip [6] Header and footer navigation links

Create Static Header and footer navigation links. Links should be in text and avoid in images.

Tip [7] Keywords Analysis

Analyze your targeted keywords using Google suggest.

Tip [8] Keywords in navigational links

Keywords in navigational links play a vital role and have its own importance to search engine eyes.

Tip [9] Keyword in file name or URL

Use most important keyword in file name or URL. Keywords in folder and file names should be separated with hyphen (-) or underscore (_), Example: 30-seo-tips-for-30-days.html

Tip [10] Minimize table especially nested tables

Tip [11] Say yes to Quality links and No to Quantity links

Tip [12] Never try to place hundreds of link for a new site on the very first day

Tip [13] Your targeted keywords need to vary a lot in anchors

Tip [14] Always have a good combination of links from new and old sites / directories

Tip [15] Try writing articles having links and have them in the resource page of your site

Tip [16] Images are important, make sure your site logo contains your keyword

Tip [17] Put CSS and JavaScript into external file / folder 

Ideally CSS should be stored as an external file. This has the following benefits:
  • The web pages are uncluttered,
  • Files are smaller,
  • Files are easier to maintain,
  • Any errors in CSS would not cause problems for search engines when collecting the web pages

Tip [18] Pay special attention to your content

Tip [19] Make sure to have sitemap as text links

Tip [20] Place robots.txt in root on your server 

Broadly speaking:
Make sure you have a robots.txt file in the root of your web server. This will tell the search engines to index your site and which pages they should index.  Well-behaved spiders will always check this file first.
Standard contents for robots.txt file are as follows:
User-agent: *

Tip [21] Broken links and measure server downtime

Tip [23] Blogging

Start a blog and participate with other related blogs, may be you can try one of the below Blog platform,

Tip [22] Directories Submission

Submit sites to Dmoz , Yahoo directory, Local Directories, Regional Directories, Business Directories, Craigs list, Classifieds and Yellow Pages.

Tip [24] Feed Creation and Submission

Create feed rss xml and ror xml file and submit to xml search engines and directories.

Tip [25] Try to avoid automatic directory submission and build manual links

Tip [26] Monitor your hits and traffic by using free Google analytics

Features available are, 
(1) Advanced Segmentation
(2) Motion Charts
(3) Custom Reports
(4) Fast Implementation
(5) Keyword and Campaign Comparison
(6) Custom Dashboards
(7) AdWords Integration
(8) Internal Site Search
(9) Benchmarking
(10) Trend and Date Slider
(11) Ecommerce Tracking
(12) Funnel Visualization
(13) Site Overlay
(14) Email reports
(15) GeoTargeting

more details can be found here Google Analytics Features.

Tip [27] Know how to analyze the reports and to optimize the results

Tip [28] Redirection methods and theory

Know about redirection methods and theory - 301, 302, and 200 response codes.

Tip [29] Google Webmaster Tool

Create Google site map to your web site and configure to Google Webmaster Tool.

Tip [30] Website analytics reports

Implement, understand and react to website analytics reports.
If you need these SEO tips in your site or blog as Gadget, feel free to use my SEO Tips of the Day Google Gadget that displays one SEO tip a day in your web page that can even help your site visitors to learn SEO tips. To get SEO and other Internet marketing Tweets follow me @jagadeeshmp , thanks for your time.